What Editing Means to Me

It's been over a month since my last post. Edging on two months, actually. The truth is, I've been so depressed lately that it's taken just about all my energy…

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Quick Tip: Creating Clever Characters

Oh no! Your characters are spiraling into outer space! Their ship is going to crash into the moon, unless someone does something fast. Suddenly, clever Mr. Glasses Guy comes in…

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How to Write a Bad Book

Yes, we're taking things in a different direction this week. Normally, I go at things from a positive, constructive angle, but this time, we're going to try and see things…

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Self-Publishing VS Traditional Publishing! What’s for you?

So, you've decided to publish! Congratulations! But it's easier said than done. There are a million questions that that decision opens up: what's the difference between traditional publishing and indie…

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The First Sentence: Everyone’s Worst Nightmare

"You've gotta have a hook!""Make sure you work hard on your first sentence, it's the most important part of your book!""Yeah, I don't read books that don't grab me right…

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MAJOR Update!

As of June 14th, Novelty Editing is going full-time! Yes, that's right, this little company is no longer a teensy little side-gig for yours truly. Up until now, I've only…

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LGBT Fiction: A New Frontier for Authors

Yes, it's Pride Month, and I'm going to be insufferable about it. I can't help it, for sadly, I too am one of these hip, trendy Gen Z homosexuals. I…

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No New Post This Week…

I'm fully vaccinated! Well, not fully vaccinated, since that means waiting two weeks after the second dose. What I'm saying is that I got my second dose! And now, everything…

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How to Come Up With Book Ideas

We're living in the golden age of writing. Sure, you might think the golden age came and went in the 1800s, or even the 1980s, but no—it's right now. Truth…

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