MAJOR Update!

As of June 14th, Novelty Editing is going full-time! Yes, that’s right, this little company is no longer a teensy little side-gig for yours truly. Up until now, I’ve only had two open editing slots (plus an extra slot reserved for my lovely regular customers). Now, I’m expanding to FIVE. Two of these slots have already been filled for the next month, so don’t wait to reach out!

I’m excited for next week. I loved my old job, but editing fiction has been my dream ever since I was a lonely, closeted teenage girl drafting my very own edgy post-apocalyptic trunk novel. Writing it sucked. But editing just felt right. It’s been eight years since I started writing that book, and I’m still editing it, just for fun. Doubt I’ll ever publish it; I use it for practice at this point. At the very least, that experience taught me that I just had to get into fiction editing. I didn’t want to do anything else, and why would I? So I’m so glad I get to make this my career, and I’ve been truly thrilled to work with the clients who’ve trusted me with their works. This job is a dream come true, and now that I’m financially secure enough to take the leap, I plan on doing this for the rest of my life.

Thank you all so much for sticking around! There’s plenty of new stuff yet to come. I’m filming a couple YouTube videos, scripting a fiction writing course, messing around on social media, and even considering a monthly podcast. Who knows what I’ll end up creating?

Have a wonderful weekend!